gawk has 3 functions to calculate date and time:
- systime
- strftime
- mktime
This function is equivalent to the Unix date (date +%s) command. It gives the Unix time, total number of seconds elapsed since the epoch(01-01-1970 00:00:00).
$ echo | awk '{print systime();}' 1358146640Note: systime function does not take any arguments.
A very common function used in gawk to format the systime into a calendar format. Using this function, from the systime, the year, month, date, hours, mins and seconds can be separated.
strftime (<format specifiers>,unix time);
1. Printing current date time using strftime:
$ echo | awk '{print strftime("%d-%m-%y %H-%M-%S",systime());}' 14-01-13 12-37-45strftime takes format specifiers which are same as the format specifiers available with the date command. %d for date, %m for month number (1 to 12), %y for the 2 digit year number, %H for the hour in 24 hour format, %M for minutes and %S for seconds. In this way, strftime converts Unix time into a date string.
2. Display current date time using strftime without systime:
$ echo | awk '{print strftime("%d-%m-%y %H-%M-%S");}' 14-01-13 12-38-08Both the arguments of strftime are optional. When the timestamp is not provided, it takes the systime by default.
3. strftime with no arguments:
$ echo | awk '{print strftime();}' Mon Jan 14 12:30:05 IST 2013strftime without the format specifiers provides the output in the default output format as the Unix date command.
mktime function converts any given date time string into a Unix time, which is of the systime format.
mktime(date time string) # where date time string is a string which contains atleast 6 components in the following order: YYYY MM DD HH MM SS
1. Printing timestamp for a specific date time :
$ echo | awk '{print mktime("2012 12 21 0 0 0");}' 1356028200This gives the Unix time for the date 21-Dec-12.
2. Using strftime with mktime:
$ echo | awk '{print strftime("%d-%m-%Y",mktime("2012 12 21 0 0 0"));}' 21-12-2012The output of mktime can be validated by formatting the mktime output using the strftime function as above.
3. Negative date in mktime:
$ echo | awk '{print strftime("%d-%m-%Y",mktime("2012 12 -1 0 0 0"));}' 29-11-2012mktime can take negative values as well. -1 in the date position indicates one day before the date specified which in this case leads to 29th Nov 2012.
4. Negative hour value in mktime:
$ echo | awk '{print strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H-%M-%S",mktime("2012 12 3 -2 0 0"));}' 02-12-2012 22-00-00-2 in the hours position indicates 2 hours before the specified date time which in this case leads to "2-Dec-2012 22" hours.
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