Ready made shell scripts for some specific requirements:
1. Shell Script to read database table definition
2. Shell Script to prepare Oracle insert queries for data present in flat file.
3. Shell Script which helps you to do shell scripting faster. (My favorite)
4. Shell Script to retrieve table names from Oracle queries
5. Shell Script to find the top n big files in your account .
6. Shell Script to rename a group of files.
7. Shell Script to read a file line by line in shell using while.
8. Shell Script to send reminder emails for birthday
9. Shell script to zero pad a variable. (Point 5)
10. Shell Script to reverse a string (Point 5)
11. Shell Script to right pad a number. (Point 3)
12. Shell Script to swap every 2 lines in a file (Point 5)
13. Shell Script to insert a line before or after a pattern (Point 4)
14. Shell Script to read 2 files line by line alternatively (Point 5)
15. Shell Script to insert a line after every n lines (Point 4)
16. Shell Script to change the delimiter of a file (Point 7 & 8)
17. Shell Script to find the sum of all numbers in a line (Point 4 & 5)
18. Shell script to dump an Oracle table to a CSV file
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